- Recently, in order to care for the health of the staff and improve the health literacy of the staff, Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. specially invited the county old Science and Technology Association health branch, Haiyan Fuxing Orthopedic Hospital and other more than tugi sérfræðings ...Lestu meira
- On Nov. 13, 2023, MEDICA 2023 hosted by Messe Dusseldorf GmbH was held in the Dusseldorf Exhibition Center, Germany. Sendinefnd Haiyan Kangyuan lækningatækisins Co., Ltd. bíður eftir að vinir frá öllum heimshornum heimsæki búðina okkar í 6H27-5. MEDICA 2023 lasts for four days, attr...Lestu meira
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Kangyuan Medical býður þér að taka þátt í 88. CMEF
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- In order to effectively care for the health of the employees of Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., LTD., enhance the awareness of health care of the employees, implement the health care of the employees of Kangyuan, and achieve early detection, early prevention, eyra ...Lestu meira
- Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. successfully obtained the European Union Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (referred to as “MDR”) CE certification on July 19, 2023, certificate number 6122159CE01, the certification scope is Urinary Catheters for Single Use ( Foley), sérstakur ...Lestu meira
- Nýlega stóð Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. með góðum árangri ISO13485: 2016 Gæðastjórnunarkerfi fyrir lækningatæki. The entire review takes three days, related to quality management system, process identification and analysis, management responsibilities, management r...Lestu meira